• Projectinformation

Students of the elementary school exploring the natural monument „Zayawiesen Mistelbach“

Although most of the school children participating in the project live in Mistelbach and some even regularly use the adjacent cycle track, only few of them were aware of the Zayawiesen natural monument. A workshop in the classrooms introduced the children to the topic. They worked independently in small groups and playfully acquired knowledge about land use history, aquatic birds and insects, pollarded willows and protection and care of the Zayawiesen. During the excursion into the Zayawiesen a few weeks later, the kids benefitted from this preexisting body of knowledge. The central first-hand nature experience was provided by scoop-netting aquatic animals (e.g. insect larvae). The final game (called „1, 2 or 3“) playfully tested the children’s newly gained knowledge – in a very entertaining way, of course. The school children remembered most of the plants and animals best, but had difficulty understanding why the biggest dangers for the Zayawiesen are construction and scrub encroachment rather than littering and car emissions. We were able to successfully communicate to the children that the Zayawiesen are an important habitat not only for animals and plants, but also for us humans (as a recreational space and clear-water reservoir).

Projektträger: Verein für Landschaftspflege Niederösterreich, Hörersdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 26.11.2018 - 30.08.2019

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