• LEADER Region
    Weinviertel Ost

Einladungssujet für den Impulsabend Zutaten für ein erfolgreiches Stadtmarketing mit allen Daten und Fakten

1St Impulse evening, 16.11.2023

“Ingredients for successful city marketing”

The first evening of our initiative was dedicated to the topic of "Ingredients for successful city marketing". The focus was on an intensive examination of the term "vacancy" and the resulting opportunities for city marketing. Our aim is to create a greater awareness of vibrant places and to exploit the potential of vacancies in all areas. The impulse evening provided valuable input, strengthened the dialog and showed ways in which vacancies can be used as a resource for lively urban development.

Download: Invitation


Impulsabend Vortrag

„Impuls City Marketing Lienz“

Keynote speech by Oskar Januschke, Managing Director of Stadtmarketing Lienz
The impulse evening on the topic of "Ingredients for successful city marketing" on 16.11.2023 offered insights from Oskar Januschka, "Impuls Stadtmarketing Lienz", who presented a new approach: "The most beautiful shopping center in the city without a roof" - as conscious active urban development, beyond mere vacancy management. The focus was on the creation of an integrated, revitalized city centre as a starting point, as well as the emphasis on district development as a new approach in city marketing. The developments in Lienz, which were characterized by 42 workshops, highlighted the need for common goals for sustainable success. Challenges such as a lack of self-image and a lack of courage were identified. The 7,500 m² of retail space in Lienz was seen as comparable to a shopping center, whereby the importance of a uniform image and cooperation was particularly emphasized. Examples such as "Osttirol Deluxe" and "Manufakturen Lienz" illustrate the need to make crafts visible in the city. A successful building block campaign, in which €260,000 was collected by citizens for the Klosterplatz, underlines the relevance of social capital and pride in the city for joint initiatives and positive urban development. . Click here for the Handout.