• LEADER Region
    Weinviertel Ost

Raising regional awareness for the Weinviertel


With the launch of the Weinviertel Regional Awareness project, the four LEADER regions of the Weinviertel (Weinviertel Ost, Weinviertel-Manhartsberg, Weinviertel-Donauraum and Marchfeld) and the Weinviertel tourist board have committed to improving quality of life in the Weinviertel and raising awareness for their region among Weinviertel residents. Several of the initiatives arising from shared proposals required to achieve this have already been implemented. These include events, festivals, marketing materials and a dedicated Weinviertel day.


Raising regional awareness for the Weinviertel


With the launch of the Weinviertel Regional Awareness project, the four LEADER regions of the Weinviertel (Weinviertel Ost, Weinviertel-Manhartsberg, Weinviertel-Donauraum and Marchfeld) and the Weinviertel tourist board have committed to improving quality of life in the Weinviertel and raising awareness for their region among Weinviertel residents. Several of the initiatives arising from shared proposals required to achieve this have already been implemented. These include events, festivals, marketing materials and a dedicated Weinviertel day.


LEADER Team beim Ausflug mit dem Schriftzug mein Herz schlägt für das Weinviertel

A mission statement for the Weinviertel.

 The LEADER team have partnered up with regional stakeholders to come up with a mission statement for the Weinviertel region. Our mission statement forms the basis for the LEADER project Weinviertel Regional Awareness. The vision and hopes for the future of the Weinviertel have been defined as followed: ‘We are proud of our agricultural products, our cultural heritage, festivals and customs. We identify with the Weinviertel region and help it move forward with responsibility and ideas.’ The sense of community should be strengthened and living space preserved. These initial ideas are now being followed up by actions to make our Weinviertel more valuable and liveable.


Panoramabild Weinviertel mit dem Schriftzug #meinWeinviertel

Facts about the Weinviertel


 Part of the Weinviertel Regional Awareness project involves condensing large amounts of information into short stories and bringing them to life for the general public.


Did you know that the Weinviertel is Austria’s largest apricot growing region? Or that the cellar-lined streets in the Weinviertel are unique in the world and ‘In d'Grean gehn’ is a UNESCO World Heritage Site? All these facts, stories, information on the Weinviertel and more are available at mein.weinviertel.at.

Die Vertreter:innen aus dem Weinviertel halten eine Weinviertelfahne beim Weinviertel Tag in Niedersulz

We’re proud of the Weinviertel – image campaigns

We're proud to live in the Weinviertel and want to let the world know! Every year on Weinviertel Day, Weinviertel flags are raised in each of the 122 Weinviertel municipalities. With this, we hope to raise awareness among the local population and the flags are clearly noticed by visitors to each municipality or destination. Branded tote bags and stickers are also up for grabs. Some of the popular hits included a bodysuit for newborns emblazoned with ‘I’m a true Weinviertler’ and events featuring true Weinviertel design. The various image campaigns were used by the LEADER regions to create awareness for the Weinviertel.

Click here to learn more about all initiatives to date.

Zwei Kinder spielen in einer Pfütze im Wald

Raising awareness for the Weinviertel among children and young people

The LEADER regions aim to help young people identify with their home region by imparting regional knowledge. One of the main focus groups for this initiative is primary school children. Special non-fiction stories from the Weinviertel have been prepared as story books, films and teaching materials for schools and use at home. For instance, a Weinviertel map is available to display in classrooms, our children's videos with the Weinviertel whiz kid teach children about the Weinviertel and we have a children's story book and a Pixi book featuring Betty Bernstein. We also use social media to help young people engage with their home region on their phones.

Click here to learn about raising regional awareness among children.

Titelbild Schulungsprogramm Echt Weinviertel

Training Program: REAL WEINVIERTEL

The LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost wants to preserve and spread knowledge about the Weinviertel. The training program “Echt Weinviertel” was created together with Weinviertel Tourismus GmbH and Dorf- & Stadterneuerung GmbH. In 7 modules you will learn basic Weinviertel knowledge about traditions, wine, culture, the pantry, cellar alleys and the cultural landscape. Finally, there is an excursion to two special destinations. The aim is for the participants to use their knowledge in their everyday lives as “Real Weinviertlers” and to become ambassadors for the region.
You can find everything about the “Echt Weinviertel” training program here.

Marterl Singerkreuz Poysdorf im Frühling


Our Weinviertel small and field monuments, often underestimated cultural assets, tell a story! During the project period, a further 1,670 Marterl data were digitally recorded in the land monument database www.marterl.at. Applications on social media and in the press helped raise awareness among the population and interested parties were able to network at exchange meetings. Marterl brochures and QR code signs were created, which are primarily intended to arouse the interest of the younger generation by obtaining information using the scanning function. The knowledge about the Weinviertel small and field monuments will be preserved in the field monument database for our future generations. 
Continue to the field monument database: www.marterl.at
Training video for prospective land monument editors.

Menschen gehen im Dorf auf der Straße altes Foto


A lot of historical knowledge lies in the form of photos, often hidden in drawers in private households. In order to record these historical documents for posterity and make them accessible online to the entire population, the LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost initiated the digitization of the old photos and film materials on the Topothek platform. As part of the project, topothecists in 43 communities in the northern Weinviertel digitally recorded around 100,000 photos in the collaborative online archive www.topothek.at. The images and stories of the communities in the Weinviertel are freely viewable and contribute to raising awareness and increasing the regional identity of the population.

Continue to the topothek.