4th Impulse Evening 02.04.2024

“The house is empty, but what should we do with it?”

Inherited an old house in the Weinviertel, but no ideas for its (re)use? Many families in the region encounter this problem. The result is uninhabited houses and lifeless town centers - a vacancy problem. In order to raise awareness and create new inspiration for the potential of vacant buildings, the "Full House Weinviertel" initiative invited people to an impulse evening in Groß-Schweinbarth on April 2, 2024. The motto of the evening: "The house is empty, but what should we do with it?".

Download: Invitation

Online Vortrag Bild Peter Schöffthaler

„Increase or rather decrease in value of vacant properties?“

Impulse speech Peter Schöffthaler
In his online lecture, Peter Schöffthaler talks about the factors that determine the value of a property. A key factor is the location, or the value of the property. However, aspects such as the plot area, the living or usable space, the cost of new construction and the age of the property also play a decisive role. Schöffthaler emphasizes that without regular refurbishment, the building quickly loses value, increasing the risk of it becoming obsolete. In the Weinviertel region in particular, the annual increase in value is around 3% in relation to the property value. Another important point he emphasizes is the avoidance of vacancy, as this literally destroys money. Land register encumbrances and the current market situation also play a role in determining the value of a property . Click here for the Handout. 

Peter Schöffthaler uses a calculation model to show how the value of a property changes and the financial impact of vacancy, letting or sale. Two different examples are available here - a property with low land costs (price/m2 building land € 80.00) including a forecast of the development in 25 years and a property with a high land price (price/m2 building land € 400.00) and its development in 25 years.
Example 1: Assesment of low basic costs
Example 1: Forecast of low basic costs
Example 2: Assessment of high basic costs
Example 2: Forecast of high basic costs

Vortrag von Franz Hugl (RE/MAX) beim Impulsabend

„The domestic real estate market“

Impulse speech Franz Hugl
The current situation on the real estate market shows clear trends and challenges. Franz Hugl (RE/MAX) talks about the real estate market in the Weinviertel in an impulse speech. The supply of residential properties for sale has increased noticeably in recent times, which offers buyers a wide choice. At the same time, brokerage times have increased due to financing issues. In contrast, the supply of rental apartments is declining and demand for business premises and commercial properties is falling sharply. Despite various challenges, housing remains a basic need and real estate is still considered a solid long-term investment. There is an increasing trend towards life annuities and time annuities, which make it possible to stay in one's own property and gain financial freedom at the same time. It is important to invest at a young age in order to benefit from rising real estate prices in the long term and break the cycle of renting. Another important aspect is the vacancy problem. With around 180,000 vacant residential units in Austria alone, we could effectively combat the housing shortage if these vacancies were rented out. . Click here for the Handout.

„Possibilities for the interim use of vacant houses and building plots“

Impulse speech Christine Filipp
Christine Filipp presented the vacancy catalog of the "Full House Weinviertel" initiative (short version). This shows 100 examples with ideas for new uses for vacant properties. As part of the impulse evening, four examples of interim uses for houses will be presented - a house does not have to stand empty while it waits to be used later.

Example 1: Vacation in a historic building
Example 2: „Die kleine Wechselstube“
Example 3: Back to the city - involving young people in the vacancy issue
Example 4: Leipzig Guardhouses

Bild von einer Disskussionrunde beim Impulsabend 2

„What support do vacant property owners need to prevent their property from standing empty?“

Discussion round among the participants
This was followed by a lively discussion among the participants, in which various ideas, questions and solutions were discussed. One thing quickly became clear - the citizens of the Weinviertel are very interested in new concepts to combat inner-city vacancies. The following points were identified as particularly important aspects in the groups: the various funding opportunities for vacant property owners, raising awareness of the problem among the population and creating financial incentives for the (re)use of vacant properties.