• Projectinformation

Culinary adventure businesses in the Weinviertel

Eine Betriebsführung eine Landwirtschaftlichen Betriebes, der Landwirtschaftliche Betrieb führt zwei Personen durch ein Feld und unterhält sich.

The aim of the project “Erlebnisbetriebe Weinviertel” was to promote tours of wineries and regional producers for individual guests. While the „Weintour Weinviertel“ (every year on the weekend after Easter) and the „Sommer Genusstour“ (every year on the first Sunday in August) only gave the opportunity to visit businesses as an individual guest on two weekends a year, the project included a large number of dates for the first time with tours of wineries and regional producers. With the support of the „Weinstraßen Weinviertel“and the „Kostbares Weinviertel“ initiative, the dates for 2023 were collected and advertised. For the 2024 season, the option for small groups was also created upon request. In order to best communicate the tour dates and the offer for small groups to the guests, a comprehensive advertising campaign was implemented online and in print. There was also cooperation with bloggers who visited some of the businesses in the Weinviertel themselves and then told their community about them. The project has a lasting effect, because the company tours have already been collected and advertised for the 2025 season at fixed dates and on request for small groups.

Projektträger: Weinviertel Tourismus GmbH, Poysdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 18.11.2022 - 31.12.2024

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