• Projectinformation

Model development for Weinviertel grazing

2 Ziegen stehen auf der Klippen in Falkenstein und Beweiden die grüne Trockenrasenwiese auf der Klippe

In the eastern Weinviertel there are numerous areas of importance for nature conservation, both within the protected areas and outside, the preservation of which is tied to grazing in accordance with nature conservation. The previous form of management of such areas was through cooperation with individual companies in the respective region, although it is often difficult to find suitable project partners in almost all areas. It also became apparent that grazing that lasted several years and, above all, met technical requirements could only very rarely be maintained. The difficulty of the work, a lack of successors when taking over the business or a lack of financial compensation are some of the main reasons for a premature end to pasture projects. This project is of great importance for the preservation of biodiversity in the eastern Weinviertel region. Through nature conservation-compliant grazing, valuable habitats can be created and maintained, which provide a habitat for many threatened animal and plant species. Working together in a structured institution makes it possible to jointly implement measures to protect and care for nature and thus make a valuable contribution to preserving ecological diversity.

Projektträger: Regionalentwicklungsverein Leiser Berge, Ernstbrunn
Projektlaufzeit: 04.12.2023 -

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