• Projectinformation

Poysdorf disc golf course

Foto von Frau beim Discgolf spielen

The disc golf course is intended to offer additional sporting opportunities and encourage young people to spend their free time outdoors. The chosen course of the course (through cellar alley and vineyards) also creates a connection to the region. In addition to the start markings and the targets (baskets), an information board should be set up that contains a description of the sport itself as well as a description of the course. There will also be signs with descriptions of each hole and the number of throws (par) an average player should make. The disc golf course is freely accessible to anyone interested at any time and can be used free of charge. You can bring your own disc golf discs or rent them free of charge (for a deposit fee) at Vino Versum Poysdorf.

Projektträger: Stadtgemeinde Poysdorf, Poysdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 12.06.2024 -

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