• Projectinformation

Village shop Stillfried-Grub

Plananimation des Dorfladens Stillfried-Grub. Das Bild zeigt eine Holzeinrichtung, im Hintergrund befinden sich Regale an der Wand, im Vordergrund Abstellflächen für zum Beispiel Obst und Gemüse.

KG Stillfried Grub has not had a local supermarket for many years. As a result, residents are forced to travel longer distances to buy everyday products. With this project, we want to restore the local supply in the KG and promote the sale of regional products. The market should serve as a sales platform for regional producers and thus make a contribution to the "precious Weinviertel".

Projektträger: Marktgemeinde Angern an der March, Stillfried
Projektlaufzeit: 19.09.2024 -

Download: Projekt-Factsheet



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