• Projectinformation

Expertise for a LEBENS.wertes Weinviertel (Living Weinviertel)

As part of the initiative LEBENS.wertes Weinviertel, in which the technical expertise has taken place, on the one hand a current status quo of the quality of life in the Weinviertel should be recorded, on the other hand best practice projects from all over Europe are screened for their possible implementation in the Weinviertel.

The main goal is to make the communities - and thus the whole region - even more liveable and to convey a sense of life to Weinviertel. Therefore, the basic question was "How is life.How is the eastern Weinviertel?". In the summer of 2017, around 5,000 Weinviertel winegrowers gave their opinion on the quality of life in their home town. The aim was to find concrete approaches to improve the quality of life in the communities.

The most interesting survey results are: People's satisfaction in the Weinviertel Ost region is higher than the Austrian average (7.1) with a Better Life Index of 7.2. Most important to the Weinviertel are the values ??of "nature", followed by "rest" and "social cohesion". The sense of belonging of people to their community and homeland is very high and is over 90 percent approval.

Projektträger: LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost, Wolkersdorf im Weinviertel
Projektlaufzeit: 05.04.2017 - 30.12.2018

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