Fit for social media
Since 18 years is the association “Weinstraße Südliches Weinviertel” with its 273 members continuously endeavoured to strengthen and invigorate the regional community and economy to create even more value for our members, visitors and local residents. Now we want provide support on how to professionally manage and manoeuvre the Social Media world – from an organisational as well as visual view point.
Utilizing different Social Media channels and handling those appropriately has become more and more important. Online media attention and instant communication are a big part of digital marketing. It is important to receive training to optimize time and money spent on digital marketing. High quality photos and videos are very important for press, catalogues, websites, booking platforms, newsletter and social media platforms.
Four different workshops focus on the target-oriented utilization of social media platforms for digital marketing. We offer the following courses:
1. Basics on how to utilize and use different social media platforms
2. Help, what should I post?
3. Smartphones – how to instantly take better photos and videos for digital marketing
4. The endless possibilities of social media advertising Furthermore, the members will be offered professional photography-(10 high quality photos per company/village) and recordings with drones” (a clip of 30 seconds and five drone photos).
Projektträger: Weinstraße Weinviertel - Südliches Weinviertel, Gänserndorf
Projektlaufzeit: 07.04.2019 - 29.09.2021
Download: Projekt-Factsheet
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