• Projectinformation

fitness equipment and motor equipment Bockfließ

Attractive leisure activities ensure a better quality of life in the community. This aspect in connection with interesting exercise programs increases the health of the own population. The goal of the community was to create an innovative "movement space" in Bockfließ that appeals to all age groups.

There are now 7 practice stations for outdoor training.

Fitness and motor equipment was installed throughout the eastern Weinviertel region through a funding call from the LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost. In addition to the equipment in the home community, the region's residents also have exercise equipment available throughout the eastern Weinviertel. The various offers are networked via the platform www.lebens-wertes-weinviertel.at and can be called up at any time by the population. The project of the LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost created a large regional fitness landscape that can be used by all residents.

Projektträger: Marktgemeinde Bockfließ, Bockfließ
Projektlaufzeit: 23.09.2019 - 29.04.2021

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