• Projectinformation

Strong together: Volunteering in the Weinviertel

Drei Frauen halten die Hände in der Mitte zusammen und symbolisieren, dass sie zusammenhalten.

The project will help to sustainably strengthen and further develop volunteering and the village community in the Weinviertel region.

It will raise awareness of the diversity of volunteer work and opportunities for volunteering, present the range of associations and enable further training for associations.

Initiatives are needed to relaunch the association system and to raise awareness in the municipalities and society for the importance of associations as a pillar of the common good and cohesion.

The structure of associations in the eastern Weinviertel must be preserved and the number of volunteers increased, if possible, in order to maintain the construct of voluntary work for the general public.

Without the preservation of volunteer work, traditions and customs will die out. In addition, the other effects of the points mentioned would not be lost.

Volunteering can also help to improve social cohesion and the quality of life in the village community. The project aims to create opportunities to bring people together and promote community action. It strengthens social ties to the region, which leads to less migration or return.

Projektträger: LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost, Wolkersdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 01.01.2025 -

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