• Projectinformation


In english this project should be called Host. It was realized to build bridges between people who did not get very much in contact so far. The project animated the local population of six municipalities of the region as well as immigrants - in particular refugees – to meet each other with respect, to learn more about each other and to make some common photographs. This pictures were presented at a special party in Oberschoderlee on August 14th. People from Stronsdorf, Gaubitsch, Laa an der Thaya, Unterstinkenbrunn, Enzersdorf bei Staatz and Mistelbach got to know each other there whether they stay in this municipalities since many years or have just arrived. Making music, dancing and some common cooking-sessions helped to overcome several barriers - especially social or linguistic ones. The pictures showing different couples of participants were handed over to the guests at this evening. GastGeberIn created neighborhood and highlighted humanity. This way newcomers or refugees became guests and established became hosts.

Projektträger: Personengruppe B.&P. Kainz, M.Fanizadeh, Stronsdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 19.06.2016 - 14.09.2016

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