• Projectinformation

Improvement in the quality of the Kreuttal cycle route

Eine Radfahrerin und ein Radfahrer fahren auf einem Radweg zwischen Feldern, im Hintergrund ist der Buschberg zu sehen.
Bürgermeisterinnen, Bürgermeister sowie Vertreter von Weinviertel Tourismus am Hauptplatz von Ernstbrunn bei der Eröffnung der Kreuttalradrunde. In der Hand halten sie die Übersichtstafel der Kreuttalradrunde.
Eine Radfahrerin und ein Radfahrer im Weinviertel Fahrraddres machen Pause unter eiem Baum, angelehnt an ein Brückengeländer.

The Kreuttal cycle route developed in 2004 no longer corresponds to the current status. Both the signage and the route were poor. The route is not a circular route as guests expect, there are no signs at some locations and the Lower Austria-wide uniform signage system has not yet been implemented. Therefore, a new route was developed through this LEADER project and implemented with new signs. The communities along the route were involved in the implementation. After the sign locations were located, the sign production contract was awarded to Hofer Media. Since opening a cycle path in winter does not make sense, we waited until the beginning of spring 2024 and finally opened the new route on April 26, 2024 together with the mayors, community representatives, LEADER region, small region manager and chairmen of the Leiser Berge small region as well as media representatives.

Projektträger: Weinviertel Tourismus, Poysdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 17.11.2022 - 30.12.2023

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