• Projectinformation

JEDERZEIT – Regionale Genüsse rund um die Uhr

Simone Schuckert has often heard from her customers that they would also go shopping on the weekend or in the evening. This gave rise to the idea of building a vending machine with a house / shelter.

In the vending machine, the products of six different companies from the region are offered: honey, apple juice, eggs, grape juice, apricots, wine, apricot nectar, mustard, vinegar, sunflower oil, jam, grapes, pumpkin seed oil, ...

The vending machine addresses new customers who can buy regional products from different suppliers around the clock. The aim is to make regional products more palatable to consumers and to buy more products from local farmers.

Projektträger: Simone Schuckert, Poysdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 25.05.2021 - 30.12.2022

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