• Projectinformation

LAG-management & sensitization 2021-2023

Das Team der LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost 2023: Clara Schreiber, Petra Thaler, Obmann Christian Frank, Christine Filipp, Bianca Christenheit, Caroline Fribert
Im Vordergrund stehen LEADER-Werbewürfel im neuen Corporade Design, im Hintergrund ist das Roll up im neuen Design zu sehen.
Die Teilnehmer der Mitgliederversammlung 2023 werfen zum Kick off des neuen Förderprogramms Papierflieger durch den Raum.
Alle Teilnehmer der kick off Veranstaltung zum neuen Förderprogramm 2023 stehen im Innehof des Meierhof Ulrichskirchen. Das Foto zeigt die Gruppe von rund 100 Personen von oben.

During the four-year term of the LAG management of the LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost, crucial milestones were reached for the implementation of the Local Development Strategy (LES) and the further development of the region. As a central contact and coordination point, the LEADER team supported municipalities, regional actors and the population in setting innovative impulses and making the region fit for the future. Particular attention was paid to the three flagship initiatives - KOSTBARES Weinviertel, LEBENS.wertes Weinviertel and Regionsbewusstsein Weinviertel. They served both to convey the LES topic areas and to implement specific regional development projects. In addition, a comprehensive vacancy management system was developed that specifically addresses regional challenges. In addition, important foundations for the future were created: the preparation and submission of the Local Development Strategy 2023-2027 laid the foundation for the next few years, while the 2014-2022 program period was successfully completed. All funding was exhausted. With a successful start to the new program period 2023-2027, the continuous development of the region was ensured. These comprehensive measures and successes show how important regional networks, strong economic cycles and innovative approaches are to strengthen resilience and quality of life in the eastern Weinviertel in the long term. With a clear vision and creative projects, the region will continue to be shaped as a livable and sustainable living space in the future.

Projektträger: LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost, Wolkersdorf im Weinvierel
Projektlaufzeit: 21.12.2020 - 30.12.2023



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