• Projectinformation

NextGen.Weinviertel: Youth for the future of the eastern Weinviertel

Fünf Jugendlichen sitzen nebeneinander und zeigen "Daumen hoch"

This project aims to achieve greater involvement and participation of young people in community development processes in order to strengthen their ties to the region and at the same time increase the attractiveness of the eastern Weinviertel as a place to live.

Specific youth projects with a cross-municipal impact are to be implemented and leisure activities for young people are to be presented in an attractive way.

Today's young people are the future pillars of the community by starting families, continuing businesses, setting up start-ups or working in local companies and driving development in the community with new ideas. They strengthen the social fabric with their voluntary work and enliven community life with youth cultural activities.

Measures are needed here to keep young people in the region or bring them back after their education in order to strengthen young society.

A balanced age structure is important to counteract demographic change. Without young people, the population can age, which can lead to economic and social problems in the long term. In addition, young people are often sensitized differently to certain issues. Their active participation and commitment can help to promote and implement sustainable practices in the region.

Projektträger: LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost, Wolkersdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 01.01.2025 -

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