• Projectinformation

Drinking water study & awareness raising small region Southern Weinviertel

Zwei Mädchen die aus einem Krug Wasser trinken.

The effects of climate change on the water supply, the seasonal availability of water and consequently on the diverse water uses present many regions in Austria with major challenges. The small region of Southern Weinviertel would like to prepare its communities for this. The current availability of water brings with it the motivation and mandate for decision-makers and stakeholders in the municipal water sector to create a technical overview of the current and expected future drinking water situation. This technical situation report on the topic of drinking water should be presented simply and clearly in order to raise the necessary awareness about the consumption and value of water among those responsible for the population in the region. What about our water? How much do we have? What do we do with it? What happens after you use our water? These and many other questions should be answered.

Projektträger: Regionalentwicklungsverein Südliches Weinviertel, Bad Pirawarth
Projektlaufzeit: 12.06.2024 -

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