Spring opener at the Weinviertel
The project “Frühjahrsauftakt im Weinviertel“ aims to extend the touristic season, the main focus within the year lies on April and May. The guests should visit the blossoming Weinviertel region, move into nature, using hiking trails and cycle paths, taste the new wine, try the first regional products und visit the places of main attractions as well as the very first events.
The declared subject of the project is both the day and overnight tourism. Due to touristic relevance, the overnight tourism is the focus of interest. The bookable offer “In die Grean gehen” is addressed to guests of urban areas between Linz and Munich. The promotion of the seasonal openings of the regional main attractions and the big wine events during the time of spring will lead guest from Vienna’s periphery and from Lower Austria to day trips in the Weinviertel region.
The offer for overnight stays will be communicated as the former traditions of “In die Grean gehen”. Furthermore a brand-compliant package is developed which fits to the strategic brand claims calmness full of pleasure of the touristic destination – authenticity and earthiness. Within the next years this offer should reach the position of a rising star within the product portfolio of the Weinviertel region. Possibly many companies will be involved directly or indirectly in the project. The project will also raise the touristic added value in the Weinviertel region.
Projektträger: Weinviertel Tourismus GmbH, Poysdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 29.11.2015 - 29.11.2018
Download: Projekt-Factsheet
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