• Projectinformation

The kitchen in the Weinviertel (re-)discovered und experienced

With around 130 partners, the typical Weinviertel cuisine was explored. In many workshops and working meetings, the seasonal focus products of the Weinviertel were worked out, which were subsequently implemented as culinary weeks in the restaurants and with the regional producers. At first the focus was on the specialties of the 4 seasons, later on the 4 typical Weinviertel products blood sausage, asparagus, pumpkin and wild animals. Furthermore, some culinary excursions were organized in best-practice regions in Austria and 2 culinary events were held, at which some Weinviertel cooks and a guest cook from the Burgenland developed interesting creations from typical Weinviertel products. To strengthen the appreciation for regional products, the events “Sommer Genusstour” and “Marchfeld Genusstour” were developed, which were successfully continued even after the end of the project. In addition, many marketing campaigns were carried out over the entire project period, such as the creation of modern photo and video material, various placements in regional and national media, a culinary magazine in 4 languages and much more. The project was very good for the Weinviertel and gave some important impulses.

Projektträger: Weinviertel Tourismus GmbH, Poysdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 26.09.2017 - 29.06.2021

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