• Projectinformation

Vacancy management Weinviertel

Vacancies are becoming an increasingly explosive topic in the communities of the Weinviertel. More and more buildings and business premises are empty in the town centres, but this negative trend does not stop at our cultural asset Kellergasse. In many places, dilapidated houses adorn the main street, life shifts to settlements on the outskirts, but even there you can sometimes find empty building plots that have not been built on for many years. All of these developments ultimately result in increased costs for communities, the need for further rededications on the outskirts, a loss of village community and the decay of the typical Weinviertel townscape with its architecture. There is an urgent need for a trend reversal in vacancy management in the municipalities and the Weinviertel region. The LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost would like to set initiatives over the next two years in cooperation with the Weinviertel LEADER regions and NÖ.Regional.GmbH - Büro Weinviertel. Two project approaches are to be pursued. On a meta level, it is about the presentation and analysis of the current regional vacancy situation, the definition of the term vacancy and the collection of funding opportunities and best practice examples. A Weinviertel-wide vacancy conference is intended to create awareness among community representatives and vacancy owners and transfer it to the practical part of the project. On the practical level, it is about solution-oriented work on specific regional needs for action and the development of solution approaches as well as examples for the revitalization of a vacant property within the community.

Projektträger: LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost, Wolkersdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 02.12.2022 - 31.12.2024

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