• Projectinformation

Der Zukunft RAUM geben - Velm-Götzendorf

In spring 2022 Velm-Götzendorf started a project for the revival of old and unused buildings.

Long-term intention is increasing the population's awareness of using the existing resources and undeveloped areas in the center of the village. A future vision was created together with the population, so many new ideas in form of pilot projects could be emerged.

A survey showed that there are around 46 undeveloped properties in the center and there are additionally around 78 unused residential buildings.

The process started with a public cinema evening in March.

As a result various "Werkstatttermine" were held with affected owners and so-called "Spurgruppen". In the course of a "best practice walk" through the village, tips for a renovation process could have been given.

The following pilot boats were developed by these “Spurgruppen”:

Gemeindepark 2.0: Opposite the municipal office currently is a parking lot. As part of the participation process the idea was born to create meeting points in public space and to reactivate the center of the village.

Gemeinschaftsgarteln (Community gardens): Fallow land should be used agricultural and be a place for social exchanging. The aim is to create awareness of organic farming and year-round vegetable cultivation under the guidance of experienced gardeners.

Gemeindeamt – Neu (Municipal office new): The building of the municipal office is not up-to-date. A central location along the social axis would be better. The idea is to integrate the municipal office into the existing event hall by creating an extension. In addiction the creation of a citizens' cafe was discussed.

“Pionierbaustelle” Alte Schule (Pioneer construction site old school): The former school building is owned by the municipality, it is in need of renovation and has no central heating. Some of the rooms are used by local associations. The building could be transformed into a hands-on pioneer construction site for the renovation of old buildings.

The following key themes are the result of the project: promotion for the sense of community, redesign of open and green spaces - development of the "social axis", reuse of the existing buildings;

The community gardens project has already been started.

The further pilot projects are also being pursued, of course the financing also has to be cleared up in advance.

The population's interest has exposed excellently and enthusiasm.

Projektträger: Gemeinde Velm-Götzendorf, Velm-Götzendorf
Projektlaufzeit: 16.12.2021 - 30.12.2023

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