• Projectinformation

    With the school to Glaubersalzsteppe

    The Glauber's salt steppe in Zwingendorf is one of the rarest habitats in Austria and provides a home for highly endangered animal and plant species. To highlight the special features and the need for protection of this habitat, 15 classes of elementary schools from the region Land um Laa visited the salt marshes. There was a choice between a simple excursion and the "excursion with newspaper" version: here the pupils worked on various tasks during the morning, which were later compiled into a school newspaper. In any case, both versions included a guided tour of the Zwingendorf village museum, a tasting of a wide variety of salts, and a visit to the most significant salt sites, some with salt efflorescence. Especially those classes with the newspaper version achieved the set goals of the project particularly well due to the more intensive occupation with the topic: The children should get to know the special flora and fauna of the salt marshes as well as know about special features and causes of endangerment of this habitat. In addition, teaching materials were prepared to enable teachers to work on the topic independently.

    Since the Zwingendorf salt marshes were unknown not only to most of the children but also to the teachers before the project, the school project definitely raised awareness of the salt marshes.

    Projektträger: Lebensraum Land um Laa, Laa/Thaya
    Projektlaufzeit: 02.06.2019 - 30.08.2020

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