• Projectinformation

Kellergassen als Markenzeichen

Ein junges Pärchen spaziert durch eine Kellergasse bei einem Genussrastplatz in einem Keller, im Hintergrund ist eine Weinviertelfahne zu sehen.
Zwei Musikerinnen stehen zusammen mit einem Pärchen beim einem Glas Wein in einer Kellergasse.

The focus of the “Kellergassen as a trademark” project was on marketing the cellar lanes of the Weinviertel in the direction of image and awareness building. In order to use the cellar lanes as a trademark for the Weinviertel and thus advertise Austria's largest wine-growing region as a tourist destination, it was necessary not to create false expectations among holidaymakers. Therefore, the possibilities in the Weinviertel cellar lanes were shown as part of online and offline advertising measures (e.g. cellar lane tours, cellar lane festivals, cyclist rest stops in cellars, overnight accommodations in cellar lanes, etc.). Since the federal states of Vienna, Lower Austria and Upper Austria in particular have already been intensively worked on in other projects, this project deliberately placed a focus on the target markets of Styria and Salzburg. Project partners were the municipalities, cellar lane guides, cellar lane associations, thematic overnight stays and other wine tourism partners.

Projektträger: Weinviertel Tourismus GmbH, Poysdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 17.11.2022 - 30.12.2024

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