• Projectinformation

Discover and experience regional products

Regionale Produkte aus dem Weinviertel die auf Holzkisten aufgesellt sind, im Hintergrund ist die Kellergassen Galgenberg in Wildendürnbach zu sehen

The Weinviertel is not only the largest wine-growing region in Austria, but also Austria's product basket. In addition, an above-average number of people (8.4%) work in agriculture here. The desire for regional products and a look behind the scenes of production continues to grow among residents.

The project makes it possible to network agricultural businesses and catering/heurigen businesses. This ensures that the local catering trade is supplied with regional products. The aim is also to increase the level of innovation among regional producers, among other things through co-operation with other businesses. Further experience businesses will be created, giving consumers the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes. In addition, the co-operative marketing of the businesses will be strengthened and the effects of climate change on the products will be investigated. Options for ‘Click & Collect’ offers in regional shops are also being examined. Online image campaigns are being used to raise awareness of regional products among the population.

Projektträger: LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost, Wolkersdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 01.01.2025 -

Download: Projekt-Factsheet

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