• LEADER Region
    Weinviertel Ost

Impulses for vacancy work in the Weinviertel

Ein Gruppenfoto der LEADER Regionen, bei der Leerstandskonferenz am 8.11.2023

Conference on vacant property management held on 8 November 2023

On 8 November 2023, our Full House Weinviertel conference on vacant property management took place in Mistelbach town hall. We partnered up with the LEADER Region Weinviertel-Donauraum, the Marchfeld region and a number of representatives from our municipalities to closely examine the topic of vacant properties in Weinviertel towns and villages. We discussed innovative ideas and various best practice examples to demonstrate that vacant properties are more than just a problem. They are an opportunity for us to build lively communities.   

Click here to learn more about the event


Foto der Leerstandsexkursion nach Steyr mit allen Teilnehmerinnen vor einem ehemals leerstehenden Gebäude

excursion "Weinviertel LEADER regions on an excursion to Steyr"

At the end of February, representatives of the Weinviertel LEADER regions visited successfully implemented projects in the municipality of Sierning and the town of Steyr in Upper Austria to gain valuable tips for activating vacant properties. At the invitation of the 3 LEADER regions Weinviertel Ost, Weinviertel-Donauraum and Marchfeld, around 30 interested people came to Upper Austria to share their experiences. 

Click here for the Detailed program

Sujet Leerstandsmanagement

Full House Weinviertel Impulse evenings

Several impulse evenings have been organised as part of the Full House Weinviertel initiative to address a wide range of topics relating to reducing the number of vacant properties. Impulse evenings offer an informal, open setting for people from different areas to come together, learn from each other and join forces to come up with solutions. Whether you are a property owner, entrepreneur, urban planner or simply interested in the future of your community, every idea is welcome.

Leben im Ortskern


May 9, 2024, 6:22 p.m. | ORF 2 I Production: ORF and the Southern Weinviertel region

The TV documentary "Live in the Town Center" shows how Lower Austrian communities are developing innovative approaches to revitalizing their town centers. The focus is particularly on the Southern Weinviertel region, which is taking targeted initiatives to revitalize its centers. The program makes it clear that successful town center revitalization is only possible through the active involvement of the population. An impressive example is the small town of Sallingstadt in the Waldviertel, where the lively club life and the village inn strengthen the community and contribute to the sustainable development of the town center. "Live in the Town Center" offers concrete examples for communities that are looking for new ways to develop town centers.


Filmabend Personen bei Eröffnung Rettet das Dorf

FILM EVENING at kino mistelbach “SAVE THE VILLAGE” May 16,2024

Cinema Mistelbach Village life – a place of community, closeness and connection with nature. But rural areas are facing major challenges: rural exodus, empty shops and deserted streets characterize the image of many villages. The documentary “Save the Village” by Theresa Distelberger sheds light on this problem and shows innovative approaches to redesigning life in our villages and strengthening the community. After the film screening in the cinema in Mistelbach, there was a lively discussion with the director, political representatives and committed actors.


Public relations work on facts surrounding vacancies

The LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost raises public awareness of the opportunities and challenges surrounding the issue of vacancies. With targeted social media campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, we want to reach and inform citizens, communities and businesses in the Weinviertel. Follow us for insights, stories and tips on how vacancies can be used sensibly and the townscape can be revitalized in the long term!


Public relations work on facts surrounding vacancies

The LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost raises public awareness of the opportunities and challenges surrounding the issue of vacancies. With targeted social media campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, we want to reach and inform citizens, communities and businesses in the Weinviertel. Follow us for insights, stories and tips on how vacancies can be used sensibly and the townscape can be revitalized in the long term!